Découverte de la Slackline

Louparc – aire de jeux 132, route de la mairie 74920 Combloux
Come and try Slacklining, a sport of concentration and balancing, where you will have to walk on a tight strap, without falling off it! Since your animators are nice, the strap will be a few centimeters from the ground. Good luck !
What is Slacklining?

Slacklining is a sporting and recreational practice consisting of walking, jumping, or performing figures on a strap stretched between two fixed points. It is distinguished by the flexibility of the strap, which allows a great diversity of movements and figures.

Walk the Challenge Wire:

Imagine yourself balancing on a narrow strap, focused on each step. Your mission ? Move forward without losing your footing! Slacklining invites you to find your center of gravity and develop your sense of balance in a fun and stimulating environment. Every step counts, and the slightest movement can make the difference between moving forward or faltering.

A fun activity, which will work on your concentration and your balance, accessible to all.


  • Climbing sports / Rope sports
  • Slackline

Admission fees


Access map


Louparc – aire de jeux
132, route de la mairie
74920 Combloux
How do I get there?

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