Sports activities
in Combloux

Spéraka Canyoning

  • White water sports
  • Canyoning
Canyoning consists of descending a mountain stream with beautiful obstacles such as waterfalls, basins and sculpted gorges. Once equipped, we will cross magnificent courses and many water games such as jumping and abseiling.
– family canyon: beautiful aquatic hike with many easy obstacles. From the age of 8. Half day. 40€/pers.
– discovery canyon: Descent of a beautiful and varied canyon with abseils and jumps. From 12 years old. Half day. 50€/pers.

All canyoning equipment is provided: Wetsuit, helmet, harness.
Only plan a pair of trainers for the canyon and a spare pair.
Outdoor experiences

Activity details

Who is this activity for?

Special family with children
Minimum age required: 8 years

Type of activity

  • Courses
  • Materials provided
  • Group lesson


Further information) :
Dates to be confirmed
On demand

Admission fees

Payment method

  • Cheque
  • Cash


Home animals

Pets are not accepted

Linked offers


74920 Combloux
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