Sports activities
in Megève

Stages Trappeurs multisports enfants 6/13 ans

  • Skill sports
  • Pedestrian sports
  • Cani hiking
  • Orienteering
Over 6 days, discovery of nature, games, farm visit, cooking workshop, hike with donkeys, manual activities in bad weather. A universe conducive to the development and autonomy of your child, supervised by attentive professionals.
In summer, Easter and All Saints' Day, games in the forest, river walks, with donkeys, dogs, discovery of fauna and flora, footprints in the clay, tree climbing...
In winter, snowshoeing, sledding, construction of igloos and cabins, supervised by professionals.
Registration by Whatsapp message.
Further information) :
Necessary equipment: backpack, water bottle, good shoes, rain jacket, hat, food thermos for the picnic to be planned.
We speak: English, Spanish

Location accuracy

Different meetings every day around Megève.

Activity details


Number of days: 6
Duration of the activity: 05h30

Who is this activity for?

Minimum age required: 6 years
Maximum age allowed: 13 years old

Type of activity

  • Multiactivities
  • Stage
  • Introductory course

Admission fees

Further information) :
For All Saints, possibility of doing 1 day minimum and up to 6 days.

Payment method

  • Cheque
  • Cash
  • Bank transfer

Linked offers


Megève et alentours
74120 Megève
How do I get there?

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