Sports activities
in Combloux

Randonnée pédestre Belle vue à beau regard

  • Winter sports
  • Snowshoeing
Walk on the sunny side of Demi-Quartier where we will discover the habitat of our farmers, true gardeners of nature. Unobstructed view of the Mont Blanc massif promising pretty shots.
We speak English
Outdoor experiences

Activity details


Duration of the activity: 02h30

Who is this activity for?

Minimum age required: 8 years
Maximum group size: 11

Type of activity

  • Supervised practice
  • Materials provided


Further information) :
Subject to snow conditions


Payment method

  • Bank / credit card
  • Cheque
  • Classic Holiday Vouchers
  • Cash


Home animals

Pets are not accepted


Adapted service: Wheelchair accessible with assistance, Wheelchair accessible independently

Physical disability

Access for people with reduced mobility:
Be careful, to reach the “Mabboux Sport” sports store, sidewalk raised 10cm. We then have to drive in the parking lot and on the road...
For easy access to the ski slopes, we recommend parking at the Cuchet car park: direct access to the slopes.

To purchase ski passes, we advise you to purchase them:
– either next to the Beauregard chairlift (note, not accessible by ski chair),
– or at the Tourist Office (centre of the village of Combloux), cash desk inside suitable for people with reduced mobility. (Please note: find out about opening hours – Tel: 04 50 93 36 97)

Linked offers


Parking de la Cry
2800, route de la Cry-Cuchet
74920 Combloux
How do I get there?

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