Sports activities
in Combloux

Expérience Grand Nord

  • Winter sports
  • Snowshoeing
Mini-expedition and snowshoe workshops with pulkas and tepee to offer children a first adventure in the great outdoors. Possibility of doing this activity with the family or dropping off your child. The activity takes place in Megève with the Bureau des guides.
Combining reality and imagination, we will imitate the adventurers of the Far North who go on an expedition in the vast expanses of snow and ice of Siberia, Alaska or the Yukon and will set off, snowshoes on their feet, to discover Megève dressed in its beautiful White dress.
Equipped like real pros with pulkas, an expedition tepee and its wood stove, we will have to face the cold and the “polar bears”, find a suitable camp for the day and manage the tasks necessary for our survival. We will live as a real community away from the civilized world and will have to set up the tepee, find wood, tend the fire, cook, go hunting, etc.
Let your explorer instinct express itself!
Further information) :
Possibility of doing this activity with the family or dropping off your child.
Snowshoes and poles provided
Bring warm, waterproof clothing + picnic
We speak English

Activity details

Who is this activity for?

Special family with children
Minimum age required: 6 years
Maximum group size: 11

Type of activity

  • Supervised practice
  • Multiactivities


Opening hours from December 21, 2024 to March 23, 2025
SaturdayOpen from 09:30 a.m. to 16:30 p.m.

Possibility of private outings on request

Admission fees

Admission feesMin.Max.
Single price
75 €Not disclosed
Package / commitment

480 €Not disclosed


Home animals

Pets are not accepted

Linked offers


Lieu de RDV à voir avec le guide
74920 Combloux
How do I get there?

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