A new animation for teenagers
On July 13, Combloux unveiled its new animation “Peau de Vache”, a collaborative theatrical investigation inside a historic building dating from 1832. Offered every Wednesday during school holidays, this animation is aimed at teenagers and lovers of puzzle games.
Just before nightfall, the participants are immersed in the disturbing atmosphere of an old building known as the “Isidore farm”, where they have to solve a detective riddle: who poisons the cows on the farm, how and for what purpose?
Led by the master of the game from room to room, they must keep an eye open and pay attention to the speeches of the different characters to collect clues and draw up a list of suspects.
At the end of the game, each player can formulate his hypothesis and debate with the other participants to unmask the culprit.
Given the atmosphere and the theme of the puzzle to be solved, this activity is open to everyone from the age of 12 and offered at the price of €5 per player.
Combining the playful with the historical, Combloux has developed this activity in collaboration with the duo of actors “En Visite Simone” who have already been involved in the animation of the village for several years.
The objective was above all to offer an event for older children than what the station was used to doing, but also to highlight the farm at Isidore, a treasure of Combloran heritage.
Indeed, although it is partially open to the public in summer as part of its temporary exhibition (this year, it is the photographer Stéphane Lavoué who is in the spotlight), the ground floor, witness to the he traditional habitat in the XNUMXth century was only accessible within the framework of guided tours of the heritage. It is therefore a unique opportunity for players to enter this place steeped in history and discover the different rooms, from the kitchen to the barn, not to mention the impressive boerne which was once used to smoke meat.
To take part in the adventure, participants can reserve their place online at www.combloux.com.