In this article, we share the best training tips for running the Comblorane trail in Combloux.

Why train before running the Comblorane trail?

The Comblorane is a test during which our whole body is put to the test. This prolonged physical exercise will be a real trauma for a person not accustomed to this type of effort. It is for this reason that it is necessary to prepare by carrying out regular and progressive training and not just jogging once a month.

Even for a sporty person, training is essential to attack the race in good conditions.

The different types of training

To prepare, there are different types of exercises. In trail running, there are mainly three types of training: the long outing, the work at the threshold and the split.

The long outing is made to learn how to manage an effort over time, to improve your endurance. For this exercise, leave for a long period defined in advance and run at a constant pace. Running on natural ground is more effective because it will test your stability and support.

To explain the work at the threshold, it is good to remember what the FCM (Maximum Heart Rate) corresponds to. The FCM is the rhythm of the human heart during its strongest solicitations.

Threshold training consists of running using 80 to 90% of your FCM to accustom the body to a certain discomfort and to the lactic acid recycling mechanism. Difficult but shorter training, it is very effective. Be careful not to exceed your physical limits.

Finally, the split consists of alternating phases of intense effort and recovery phases throughout the training session. Intense method, it allows you to quickly improve your cardiovascular capacity and your VMA (maximum aerobic speed).

Plan your sessions

For optimal training, varying the types of exercises is the most effective. The sessions should be regular and become a habit. Defining a number of weekly sessions according to your objectives and having a healthy lifestyle are the secrets of success!

If possible, take outings on wilderness trails to get used to the terrain. Go to the mountains to prepare for the drop, whether for the ascent or the descent.

For a friendlier side, it is possible to organize your running session with a group of runners or an acquaintance. Make sure, however, that there is not too much of a difference in level.

To illustrate our words, we asked Jérémie Marin, combloran athlete, to share his experience and his best training tips to progress quickly! Stay tuned to discover his interview soon.

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